Start With The End In Mind
We consider the final landscape creation will be even more beautiful in years to come as when first installed. That is why we start with the end in mind. During the initial consultation, a majority of clients will not really know what they want; they “just want something I can enjoy looking at or being in”. Tropical, easy maintenance and colorful is the answer 9 out of 10 times. .
That’s when we really have fun designing the areas the client finds most important (many times it will expand from there). We love to show various styles to choose and go from there. This particular client wanted a very tropical, colorful environment. So we started with a lush, vibrant and colorful design. This allows us to give the client a variety of material to choose from and either add or scale it back.
The Dream Process
Once the initial designs are developed, we can follow up with the first concept. This provides a real sense of what direction they are looking to have created. Now the excitement starts to build. The client is in the process of helping themselves get the look they really want. Isn’t that what it is all about?

Atrium Concept 1
North Side Concept 1
South Side Concept 1
A Collaborative Effort In Design
Now you know exactly what the client wants. As a professional designer, the lighting, soil conditions, maintenance considerations and region for plant material growth are all factored into the final design. You will get close to the final design, but some design “tweeking” are always inevitable.

Most Important-Prep Work
The hardest part is all the prep work. This is the time consuming but crucial part of the landscape. Yes, time is money, but if you consider the final result for your client down the road, it is money (time) well spent. Your client is going to reward you with referrals and neighbors or friends will see the result for years to come.

Starts To Come Together
Putting the plants into place and adjusting for the ultimate visual balance and room for growth while remaining aesthetically appealing is where the client can see their yard come to life.

Going The Extra Mile
Top dressing is the final touch. The right application depends with you and the client. If you are looking to showcase the material or protect we will suggest the proper material.
We take the extra steps to keep your property looking terrific for years to come with little undue maintenance.

That’s It!
We hope you enjoyed our landscape presentation. Please feel free to leave a comment; we’d love to create a living Picasso for your property next!
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